Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests: Introduction

A dot after a note or rest makes it half as long again.

The dot needs to go just to the right of the note or rest. If the note-head is in a space, the dot goes in the same space; if the note-head is on a line, the dot normally goes in the space just above the line, like this:

Rests: Introduction

The semibreve rest hangs below a line, usually the fourth line, like this:

The minim rest sits on a line, usually the third line, like this:

The crotchet rest is shown like this:

The quaver rest is shown like this:

The semiquaver rest is shown like this:




Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests


Grade 1: Single dotted notes & rests

Download the following questions or write the notes on manuscript before completing.

Question 1

How long does each note last? The first answer is given.

Answer 1

See the image for the answers.

Question 2

Add dots where necessary to make the bars complete.

Answer 2

Take a look at the images for the answer

Rests Question 1

Add a rest at the places marked * in this melody to make each bar complete.

Rests Answer 1

The second bar uses a semibreve rest, this is the rest we use for a completely silent bar in any time signature except 4/2.  The crotchet rest in bar three makes up the missing first crotchet beat.  In bar four we use the minim rest for the final two beats.  Note: in 4/4 time if the first or last half bar is completely silent we use the minim rest not two crotchet rests.

Rests: Question 2

Add a rest at the places marked * in this melody to make each bar complete.

Rests: Answer 2

The quaver rest is used in bar one to make up our third beat.  The third beat in bar three is completed by using the crotchet rest.

Rests: Question 3

Add a rest at the places marked * in this melody to make each bar complete.

Rests: Answer 3

The second beat in bar one is completed by using the semiquaver rest.  We use the crotchet rest to complete the second beat in the last bar.

Rests: Question 4

Add a rest at the places marked * in this melody to make each bar complete.

Rests: Answer 4

The minim rest is used in bar one to complete the missing two crotchet beats.  Remember in 4/4 time a completely silent half bar at the beginning or end of the bar is shown with a minim rest not two crotchet rests.  Bar two needed a crotchet rest for the first beat and a quaver rest was used in the final bar to make up a full crotchet beat.


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